The B.C. Drag-It Challenge is warming up its engine for five days of drag racing.
From June 15 to 19, dozens of racers from across the province will be traveling across the Cariboo for races at four different race tracks. Organizers Mark and Dianne Boutilier said they’re proud to be organizing this event, the first of its kind in British Columbia.
“We are really excited, the sleepless nights have started,” Dianne said. “Bringing it to the local smaller towns is quite exciting.”
Those who compete will race in Cache Creek before traveling to Prince George, 100 Mile House, Lillooet and then back to Cache Creek again. The twist is that racers must drive their dragster from venue to venue with only their race cars and a small trailer. No support vehicles will be allowed and racers must stop at mandatory checkpoints across the route.
There will be winners crowned in several categories based on racers best time at each race.
Each community will also be featured in a series of photographs taken by professional drag race photographer Larry Pfister. Mark said they also have a journalist from Sick The Mag, a drag racing magazine, to cover the races.
“He’s coming from Oregon to not only participate but to take photos and write a story about it,” Mark said. “Larry Pfister is a well-known Canadian automotive photographer and he’s going to be publishing a coffee table book just about the event. I’ve bought a couple of his books before and they’re just amazing.”
Mark has been involved with drag racing for 50 years: first as a racer and later as an organizer. Recently, he and Dianne took over the Cache Creek race track and decided to launch their own racing event.
“It’s like a hobby and a passion for me,” Mark said.
Dianne said they took inspiration for their drag-and-drive-style race from a similar race in Alberta. She had a vision for doing a tour across Interior B.C., especially 100 Mile House and Cache Creek.
“100 Mile was actually the deciding factor on whether we could do it in this area. Cache Creek has been kind to us so we wanted to start and end there and we live in 100 Mile House so we wanted to support them,” Dianne said. “Once we got the go-ahead in January, we went crazy organizing it.”
The Boutiliers plan to distribute bundles of visitor guides to each racer to encourage them to return to the Cariboo in the future for vacations. With up to 200 people spending time in hotels, she said the economic benefit for each community will be huge.
They’ve worked extensively with dozens of businesses and organizations across the race route to ensure a successful event. Dianne noted that the 100 Mile House Cruzers Car Club and Lakers Car Club have been especially helpful.
In 100 Mile House, Dianne said they have involved several local community groups. A 50/50 fundraiser will be run by 100 Mile Hospice, Cariboo Radio will be offering live commentary and the concession will be handled by the 100 Mile House Wranglers and Molly’s Fish and Chips. Dianne is still looking for a local group to run cotton candy sales.
The race runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on June 17 at the airstrip. Dianne said seating will be set up in the South Cariboo Rec Centre’s parking lot and will be free to the public. There will be a $10 fee for anyone looking to enter the pits during the event.
Only in 100 Mile House will local racers be invited to participate in the race. Dianne said so long as they register beforehand they can test out their cars and see if they want to get more involved in drag racing. Those interested can reach the Boutiliers at 604-897-4432 or
“We are very excited to bring 100 Mile House some drag racing. The people I have talked to have been very excited and I’m happy to be doing this for them,” Dianne said.
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