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Nusatsum Property Owners Association aim to develop 50-year plan to address high water conditions

Nusatsum Property Owners Association aim to develop 50-year plan to address high water conditions

Dear Editor,

As of August 29, 2012 the Nusatsum Property Owners Association became registered as a BC Society. The formation and inspiration for the creation of the Society came from residents of the Bella Coola Valley.  Thank you to all who played a part, did the work, showed up, and made it possible for this to happen. We, the first directors of the Society wanted to share with you, the communities of the Bella Coola Valley, the purpose of the Society.

The NPOA is dedicated to the preservation of property and lifestyle in the Bella Coola Valley.  This includes securing the safety of the Valley people and protecting their lands and houses from the impact of high water conditions.

The means by which this will be accomplished will also ensure that the fish and wildlife habitat is equally protected and ideally, further enhanced. Our core belief is that everyone in this valley is already a partner in this endeavour. Our intention is to work in partnership with all governing agencies, community associations, First Nations and all communities, to achieve this task.

The intention is to create a fifty-year plan that will effectively mitigate the high water conditions of the tributaries and the Bella Coola River.

The first task or first phase of planning will be specific to resolving the issues of flooding in the Nusatsum River Fan. Our role is to bring together the people and resources to create a strategy and accompanying budget to make this happen.

We have a plan that we think will be off interest to all who have or will be affected by high water conditions in the valley. The plan addresses some solutions for the declining fish stocks in the Bella Coola River. You can email us at


Marvin Schmunk