The rumble of engines will soon fill the air as Hot July Nights Car and Bike Show returns to 100 Mile House July 14-16.
Building on the roaring success of last summer, the three-day event promises to be even bigger and better.
More than 300 classic cars and motorbikes came from as far away as Saskatchewan last summer drawing an estimated 7,000 spectators to downtown 100 Mile House.
Event organizers gave credit for the success of the event to the 207-plus volunteers who worked long hours to make it happen. Many people said it was the best car show they could remember attending.
But it is more than just a car show said event organizer and 100 Mile House Cruzers Car Club president, Marty Mahovlich.
“The car club’s just the mechanism,” he said. “It’s not about anything but helping the community at large. That’s the whole vision.”
While Hot July Nights has been held in 100 Mile House since 2008, last year’s event on Birch Avenue was the biggest to date.
It was all through COVID-19 when businesses were struggling that, as a group, the organization began asking how they could give back to the community. They looked at how they could get “these car guys” to come spend money in 100 Mile House.
Mahovlich noted that many car enthusiasts will only attend one or two shows each year due to cost.
“There are events everywhere. This is the challenge. For them to come to your event it’s gotta be better than the rest of them,” he said. “They’re spending $1,000-$1,500 minimum just for the necessities.”
To put on a show of this magnitude, however, takes money and this year, over 90 sponsors have signed on in support of the weekend that promises to bring in around 400 cars from all over.
Three bands are slated to share the stage at Sunday’s Show N Shine and the Wrangler BBQ Wagon will be cooking up a storm. This is in addition to the various activities and demonstrations being put on by local clubs and not-for-profit groups. A new addition this year is a children’s colouring contest.
Just as important as the sponsors are the volunteers who work tirelessly throughout the weekend.
“We need 200 slots to fill but a lot of people are doing all three days,” said Mahovlich. “So they’re going to get tired. The more people we can get, the more fun for everyone.”
The organization is also looking for more board members. “If we’re going to continue to do this we’re going to need more help. This is a big thing,” he laughed.
Anyone can volunteer to help out over the weekend, they do not necessarily need to be a car person, he said. Those interested can email or phone 250-593-4161.
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