The Bella Coola Valley Arts Council will be presenting a retrospective art show of Kathleen Booth's Artwork. The show is titled “Transformations.”
In preparation of the art show, Kathleen along with the help of Art council elfs , transforms the entire Gallery space into an interactive art display that takes you on a journey through the development of the artist by finding her transformation through art exploration.
Kathleen considers herself a multidisciplinary artist. Her art is primarily about the process of art making through the exploration of new materials and methods. Kathleen is known for her unique painted collages and her bold use of colour.
Kathleen graduated high school with distinction in art in 1983, she later attended Dawson College in Montreal in the graphic arts program. Come see the rest of the story at the art Gallery, drop in during the month of May to watch the transformation begin, then join us at the opening night event on June 1 2016 at 7pm to meet the artist and mingle with other interesting folks. Refreshments will be served and everyone is welcome.