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Women host vigil for families affected by death of baby in Williams Lake

The group collected toys for the siblings
A small gathering took place in Boitanio Park Dec. 21 at 6 p.m. to support families affected by the death of an infant in Williams Lake Dec. 8. (Angie Mindus / Williams Lake photo)

A small group gathered in Boitanio Park Thursday evening (Dec. 21) to show support for the families affected by the death of an infant in Williams Lake earlier this month.

Candles were lit, and boxes were put out for donations of toys for the siblings of the infant.

The event was organized by Sandra Niquidet, Brittney Morgan and Fizz Tuck, who have been collecting donations over the past two weeks.

“We just wanted to do something to bring support to the siblings,” said Niquidet. “We wanted to make their Christmas a little brighter.”

Police and B.C.’s Ministry of Children and Families are continuing to investigate after a man showed up at Cariboo Memorial Hospital in Williams Lake with the deceased infant on Friday, Dec. 8.

A sibling of the infant was also located with non life-threatening injuries and transported to hospital for medical assessment.

Police arrested the 32-year-old man who brought the baby in, as well as a 33-year-old woman, but have since released both of them.

A woman on hand at the vigil said the situation was “heartbreaking.”

Angie Mindus

About the Author: Angie Mindus

A desire to travel led me to a full-time photographer position at the Williams Lake Tribune in B.C.’s interior.
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