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CCRD aims for quarterly newsletters for residents

A map of the Central Coast Regional District. (Central Coast Regional District map)

The Central Coast Regional District is hoping to produce a quarterly newsletter for residents.

After a lengthy discussion during the May 18 regular board meeting, the directors voted unanimously in favour of the idea.

Administration will produce the newsletter and it will be distributed on social media, on the CCRD website and by mail to all residents, including the outer coast for a cost of approximately $200.

“Getting it out to everybody’s mail box might be helpful for the price we are paying,” said chair Jayme Kennedy.

For people who are interested on what is happening on a monthly basis, chair Kennedy said she feels the meeting packages contain lots of information and are always available on the CCRD website.

“In most of our agendas we have updates on what is going on,” she said.

Chief administrative officer Curtis Slingerland, in a report to the board, said in April 2024 the administration team sent out a newsletter as part of a new initiative to improve communications with residents.

“This newsletter was sent to all mailboxes in the Bella Coola Valley (that receive flyers) and the Bella Coola Library, emailed to the Area A and Area B Directors, emailed to the Outer Coast contacts (Ocean Falls, Denny Island, Dawsons Landing, Heiltsuk Nation, and Wuikinuxv Nation) to be printed and be made available to residents, and made available on the CCRD website,” he noted.

There is no communications staff member, so the newsletter would be created and distributed by staff.

READ MORE: CCRD board approves website upgrade

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Monica Lamb-Yorski

About the Author: Monica Lamb-Yorski

A B.C. gal, I was born in Alert Bay, raised in Nelson, graduated from the University of Winnipeg, and wrote my first-ever article for the Prince Rupert Daily News.
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