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Tweedsmuir Ski Club building new cross country ski warming hut

The Tweedsmuir Ski Club has been in operation for over 50 years
New for 2018 - a warm up cabin at the cross country ski area is under construction!

By David Flegel


Directors and interested members attended the Annual General Meeting of the Tweedsmuir Ski Club on November 22. The Tweedsmuir Ski Club has been in operation for over 50 years and operates a number of facilities for winter recreation in Tweedsmuir Park.

The club raises revenue from cabin rentals, membership dues and tow fees at the ski hill. The club’s financial position is sound and not expecting major expenses subject to equipment breakdowns.

We have made a start on a small cross country ski warming hut for day use only at the cross country area. This will provide a place to warm up and have lunch while you are skiing. Work will continue on this project as volunteers find time this winter, with the goal to having it fully operational for next winter. It is being funded by BC Parks through the Park Enhancement Fund.

We have had a good early snowfall and as soon as conditions settle down we will get the ski hill operational and hopefully have enough volunteer help to keep it open on Sundays. Last year several school groups took advantage of the winter facilities and got numerous students out to try some winter activities. We hope they will continue to get the younger folks out to enjoy winter.

Cross country trail grooming has started and will continue as long as conditions permit. Don’t forget to mark down Sunday, February 18 for the 32 annual fun day at the cross country ski area.

Bookings for the overnight cabin have been coming in steady so if you would like to use the cabin, the information for booking is on the Tweedsmuir Ski Club web page and you get a significant reduction in the nightly rate if you take out an annual membership.

We can always use volunteer help – tow operators (one day of training), cross country ski groomer helpers, firewood cutters, and lots of other fun tasks. If you have any questions about the ski club, email Remember if the weather in the valley is getting you down, head up to East Branch, the wide open spaces and sunshine will be very refreshing.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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