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PHOTO GALLERY: 70th Annual Bella Coola Fall Fair

The event was well-attended
Imogen Gianakos holding Ratty Racer, winner of the pickle weight category and second place in best dressed. (E. Howard photo)

The 70th Annual Bella Coola Fall Fair was held in Bella Coola on Sept. 10, 2023. It was a well-attended event, with spectators enjoying the logger sports, exhibits, horseshoes and zucchini race.

Bella Coola Community Forest and Hans and Caroline Granander hosted the logger sports, BC Hydro hosted the horseshoes, the Fall Fair organized the exhibits, and the Bella Coola Sustainable Agricultural Society hosted the zucchini race.

There were also many games for the kids, lots of delicious food, and the ever-popular train ride.

Starting off the whole day, was the parade at noon. This year, big prize money was offered for float entries. There were indeed some wonderful floats, much to the enjoyment of the spectators. We hope that there will be many floats again next year and that it will continue to grow every year after.

Floats used to be a huge thing in the fall fair many years ago, with businesses and individuals going to elaborate work to make wonderful floats. It is a great opportunity to show off your creative talents, to win prize money, or showcase your business.

The Bella Coola Valley Ridge Riders had many horses and riders in the parade as well, with great “weather” themed costumes.

Exhibit entries were up this year, causing the organizers to use every spare table they could find. Many thanks to the folks who entered the exhibits. It was really enjoyable to wander through the hall and see all the wonderful entries. The day before the fair, there was a Fall Fair Dog Show organized by Joy MacKay.

This event has been brought back after a few years absence. Thank you Joy. Doggies competed for awards like Longest Tail, Best Groomed, and Best Trick among other categories. It was a well-attended event and everyone had a great time!

By mid-afternoon a gusty wind came up, causing papers and napkins, and children’s balloons to fly away, and one tent to flip over and break. Taking the covers off the other tents made them less buoyant, thus sparing them. But despite the wind, everyone had a grand time, and by 5 p.m. rain was threatening which was perfect timing because it was time for things to wrap up anyways.

The 5 p.m. auction was held inside where it was dry, and bidders took home pies, jams, flowers, corn on the cob and other goodies. At 4 p.m. we had a draw for several door prizes. A telescopic ladder and safety base donated by Bella Coola Home Hardware was won by Marissa Blewett, an Emergency Survival Kit donated by Kopas Store was won by Shirley Wilson and a Soda Stream kit donated by the Fall Fair was won by Geneva Walkus. Congratulations to the winners.

This year’s theme “Weather” seemed to fit the day perfectly. The day started off sunny, then clouds rolled in, it got very windy, and by day’s end there was a little drizzle of rain. What should next years theme be? Pyjamas?

See you next year at the 71st Annual Bella Coola Fall Fair. Start working out your logger muscles and planning your exhibit and float entries now.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped make this event happen. Whether you helped in big or little ways it was so important, and greatly appreciated.

It was a fantastic day friends.

Results from the zucchini race, which was held at the Fall Fair and hosted by the Bella Coola Sustainable Agricultural Society.

Pickle Weight

1st - Imogen Gianakos, Ratty Racer

2nd - Orion Ford, Bully the Bear

3rd - Lila Gericke, Flash

Middling Weight

1st - Carrier Family, Star Wars Invader

2nd - Odin Steif, Captain Rex

3rd - Mathias Conley, Yellow Streak

Monster Weight

1st - Max Meeks, Zunami

2nd - Ida Eriksen, Silver Fox

3rd - Geoff Gericke, Meatloaf

Best Dressed

1st - Max Meeks with Zunami

2nd - Imogen Gianakos with Ratty Racer

Tied 3rd - Mathias Conley with Yellow Streak

Tied 3rd - Asiixw Tallio with Green Lightning 2

Children’s Parade

1st Place: Cadence and Orson Moody

Valley Ridge Riders:

1st Best Costume Adult- Janna riding Tempest

1st Best Groomed Junior- Lexi riding Ocean

1st Best Costume Junior- Zoe riding Galaxy

1st Best Western Groomed- Nathaniel riding Joe

1st Best Costume Intermediate- Sophie riding Mikk

2nd Best Groomed- Cedar riding Zolan

1st Best Costume Peewee- Dragon riding Embla

1st Best Group with weather theme: The Iceys

Parade floats

1st - “Whether the weather be cold, whether the weather be hot, we will weather the weather whether we like it or not.”

2nd - “Count your rainbows not your thunderstorms.”

3rd - “No matter the weather, as long as we are together. Family, friends and community.”

Runner up: “Little Rainbow”

2023 Bella Coola logger sports winners

Bull of the Woods - Jeff Kloss

Lady of the Woods - Lindsay Gericke

Obstacle Buck - Jeff Kloss

Mens Choker Race - Jeff Kloss

Ladies Choker Race - Lindsay Gericke

Speed Buck - Jason Gunderson

Nail Driving - Lindsay Gericke

Horizontal Axe Chop - Eric Collier

Mens Axe Chop - Jason Gunderson

Ladies Axe Throw - Skye Newkirk

2 Man Bucking Saw - Eric Collier and Jeff Kloss

2 Lady Bucking Saw - Chantal Rurka and Adelle Robson

Jack and Jill Race - Lindsay Gericke and Eric Collier

Men’s Firewood Chop - Eric Collier and Jeff Kloss

Ladies Firewood Chop - Lindsay Gericke and Shauna Prest

Scott Moody Memorial Most Sportsman-like Loggers Award 2023 - Marisa Blewett and Travis Young.

Green Lightning 2, tied for third in Best Dressed and Star Wars Invader, First in Middling Weight. (E. Howard photo)
Mackenzie Meeks with Monster Weight winner Zunami, the winner of Best Dressed. (E. Howard photo)
A view of the new zucchini raace track. (R. Beveridge photo)
At the finish line. (S. Carrier photo)
Logger sport award winners Bull of the Woods: Jeff Kloss and Lady of the Woods: Lindsay Gericke. (Photo submitted by Hans Granander)
Scott Moody Memorial Most Sportsman-like Loggers Award 2023 winners Travis Young, left, and Marisa Blewett. (Photo submitted by Hans Granander)
Lexi Gunderson participates in the Horse Parade. (Joy MacKay photo)
Nathaniel Schooner and Sophia Kloss participate in Horse Parade. (Joy MacKay photo)
Zoe Robson participates in the Horse Parade . (Joy Mackay photo)
Dragon Andrew participates in the Horse Parade. (Joy MacKay photo)
Annika Grander, helping out with the Horse Parade during the Bella Coola Fall Fair held Sunday, Sept. 10. See pages 5, 6 and 7 for more photographs and coverage. (Joy Mackay photo)
Mackenzie Meeks in the Horse Parade. (Joy MacKay photo)
Aiden Han participates in the Horse Parade. (Joy Mackay photo)
The Dog Show at the Fall Fair was fun for canines and owners. (Joy Mackay photo)
The Dog Fair was fun for dogs and owners. (Joy Mackay photo)
One of the dogs in the dog show. (Joy Mackay photo)
Mackenzie, Janna and Nukka Meeks dress up for the parade. (Joy MacKay photo)
Imogen Gianakos participates in the Horse Parade. (Joy MacKay photo)

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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