Acwsalcta recently held another successful Terry Fox Run, on Friday September 26th. Students, staff, and community members gathered together in the gym before the Run, to learn about Terry Fox and to celebrate their fundraising achievements.
Nadeeya Siwallace and Foster Walkus were outfitted in elaborate student-made costumes for the Run because students had raised $150; Mr. Hunter and Maurice Webber volunteered to receive a pie in the face if students raised $200, which they did indeed; but the most impressive sacrifice was from student Louie Mack, who shaved his head for $300. Altogether Acwsalcta raised $500 to donate towards cancer research in the name of Terry Fox.
The afternoon was spent running and walking laps on the 2.4km course through 4 Mile, with many students doing multiple laps. A record number of laps was set at six by Vice Principal Brittany Hughes, and teacher Matt Gulka. Students and staff joined together on the field after their laps to play soccer, ultimate frisbee, and baseball. A big Thank-You goes out to the RCMP for helping to keep everyone safe during the event, and for joining in on the spirit of Terry Fox.